“Breathing is very important. Without breathing there is no union between mind and body. There is a special method of breathing called Vinyasa. When Vinyasa is correct, the mind is under control. It is the breath that controls the mind. Yoga is possible for whoever desires it, Yoga is universal ".

(SK Patthabi Jois)

Pratique de Yoga

Yoga practice

The practice is composed of a pre-established and identical sequence of postures (asanas) linked together by a special mode of breathing (Ujjayi breathing).

Each movement corresponds to an inspiration or an expiration; the teacher indicates the sequence, when to inhale, when to exhale and also where to look, because the gaze is very important (see the section “Yoga lessons” for more in-depth).

It is a very dynamic approach, the body is always in motion and when the final posture is reached, we stay there on average about 5 long breaths (excluding a few asanas, where we practice a maximum of 25 breaths).

There are three groups of sequences in Ashtanga Yoga:

There are three groups of sequences in Ashtanga Yoga
    the First Series

        Yoga Chikitsa, which detoxifies and allows alignment of the body.

    the Intermediate Series

        Nadi Sodhana, which purifies the nervous system and opens the energy channels even more.

    Advanced Series A, B, C, D

        Sthira Bhaga, who very consistently develop inner and mental strength.

Il y a trois groupes de séquences dans l'Ashtanga Yoga

We always start with the fundamental postures of the first series, which takes time and diligent practice to be fully accomplished. When the teacher decides that the pupil is ready to move forward, he then adds new asanas to him (further explanations in the section “Yoga classes - yoga classes for beginners”).

In the tradition of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, teaching is acquired from a master who himself has practiced seriously and continuously, also guided by his own teacher who has transmitted knowledge and experience to him and who granted him permission to teach (Parampara) and so on. It is the true and the only lineage of Yoga.

From master to disciple.

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